Rules & Regulations
1.1 In these rules,
“Complete event” means an Event, game, Proposition or series which has been declared as having a final result in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Event’s governing body;
“Corporation” means the Atlantic Lottery Corporation;
“Cut-off time” means the latest time the Corporation will accept wagers on each Event on the PRO•LINE List and may be subject to change without notice;
“Event” means a competition or match-up (or a portion thereof, as determined by the Corporation) between two (2) or more teams or individuals, participating in (one, or a series of) sporting events (or other types of competitions) and which is an individually numbered competition offered by the Corporation for wagering on the PRO•LINE FUTURES List;
“Field” is a Selection sometimes found listed in a PRO•LINE FUTURES Event. It refers to all potential Outcomes not specifically listed on the Event;
“Instructions” means the most recent information made available to Players on how to play PRO•LINE FUTURES;
“Lottery Game”, in these Rules, means a participatory game of chance in which a player makes predictions on the Selections of Groups;
“Market” means the types of betting options, including Moneyline, Total, Spread and Outright;
“Odds” means the values assigned to Market Selections which reflects both the probability of each Outcome occurring and the anticipated wagering distribution. Odds are determined and published by the Corporation in accordance with these Rules, expressed in numeric form as a ratio to one (1);
“Outcome” means each individual Selection on the Markets which are available for wagering. For example: If a Player chooses “Golfer #5” for their wager on an Event with twenty Golfers listed, they are predicting that Golfer #5 will be the winning Outcome;
"Outright" is an alternative type of betting Market with numbered Selections commonly used for PRO•LINE FUTURES Events. It offers two (2) or more potential Outcomes outside of the traditional Moneyline, Spread or Total Market formats;
“Past Post” or “Past Posting” means when a sales Cut-off time on an Event is changed (made earlier) to cancel wagers on Events where the winning Outcome could have been known prior to the original sales Cut-off time. When this happens, any wagers accepted beyond the new (Past Posted) Cut-off time will have its Odds revert to 1.00;
“Payout Threshold” means the maximum potential prize amount that the Corporation will allow for one (1) ticket. This amount is at the discretion of the Corporation and is subject to change;
“Player” means a person or a group of people who purchase one (1) or more PRO•LINE FUTURES tickets;
“Postponed event” means an event that is not considered as having been played by the governing body of the applicable league and commences from the beginning at a later date and / or time;
“PRO•LINE FUTURES List” refers to the Groups, Selections and the Odds associated with those Selections as recorded in the Corporation's central computer system and made available by the Corporation for Players to Wager on;
“Result” means the final result of Events as defined by these Rules and published by the Corporation;
“Retailer” means a retail location authorized by the Corporation to sell or issue PRO•LINE FUTURES tickets from a lottery terminal to the public;
“Selection” means a Player's choice from the PRO•LINE FUTURES List with respect to the Selections offered within a Group that the Player has the option to Wager on;
“Suspended event” means an event that is stopped and is continued from the point of suspended play at a later date and / or time. The original event must have started for there to be a suspension of play. In the case that a suspended event is re-played from the beginning, the event will be treated as a Postponed event;
“Wager” means the amount of money a Player wishes to stake on his Selection;
“Winning Ticket” means a valid ticket that bears a Selection that exactly matches the winning Result, as determined in accordance with these Rules and as published by the Corporation, for the PRO•LINE FUTURES Group selected on that ticket.
1.2 In these Rules, words in the singular shall include the plural and words in the masculine gender shall include the feminine.
1.3 If there is a discrepancy in the content of these Rules between the English and the French versions, the English version shall prevail.
2.1 The following apply to and govern the PRO•LINE FUTURES Lottery Game offered by the Corporation in participating Atlantic Provinces. To the extent of any discrepancy or inconsistency between these documents, they shall be interpreted in accordance with the following order of precedence:
a) The Rules and Regulations of the Corporation, with necessary modifications;
b) these Rules and Regulations;
c) conditions, explanations and instructions appearing on PRO•LINE FUTURES selection slips, games lists, How to Play content and tickets;
d) terms or conditions governing play on ALC.ca or ProlineStadium.com (or any replacement sites).
2.2 The Corporation may amend these Rules at any time and in any manner.
2.3 The Corporation, in its sole discretion, may at any time refuse to issue tickets bearing any Selection or refuse to issue tickets based on the Payout Threshold. The Player will receive an error message at retail or online when the projected payout on the ticket is greater than the Payout Threshold.
2.4 The Corporation, in its sole discretion, may delay entering the Results of any Event.
2.5 In the event of conflicting source results, the Results, as determined by the Corporation, shall be final and binding upon all Players.
2.6 All Results entered by Atlantic Lottery Corporation are final. The Corporation does not recognize protests, overturned decisions or amended results for wagering purposes. All Results are final as entered, when entered.
2.7 The Corporation may, in its sole discretion, suspend sales (temporarily or permanently) on an Event.
2.8 Any Event for which a Result could have been known prior to the issuance of a ticket on that Event may, with respect to such ticket, be “Past Posted” (have an Odds value of 1.00 assigned to all outcomes for that Event).
2.9 PRO•LINE is not associated with, sponsored, or authorized by any professional sports league or association, member teams, players or other affiliates in any way.
2.10 The Corporation, in its sole discretion, can change the Odds for any Selection at any time. The Odds posted to the Player‘s receipt at time of purchase will be official for that Wager except where cancellations and past postings apply.
2.11 In the event of any discrepancy between published game information and Odds, and the official game information and Odds available from the Corporation, the latter shall prevail.
2.12 The Corporation, in its sole discretion, will cancel a Group or a Selection entered in error, with Odds values for all of the possible Selections of the cancelled Group, or for the individual Selection(s) entered in error, set to be 1.00.
2.13 If the name of a player or team has been spelled incorrectly, bets placed will stand.
2.14 If a game or Event changes venues, court surfaces, or from indoors to outdoors (and vice versa), all bets will stand.
2.15 In the case of a tie in a PRO•LINE FUTURES Group where two (2) or more Selections in the same Group are deemed the winning Selections, all winning Selections will be declared as the winners for that Group and the corporation will pay these Selections at full value.
3.1 Unless otherwise stated, if a Selection (such as a team, player, scoring option, or other option), not listed as a potential Outcome wins a PRO•LINE FUTURES Event in which there is no “field” option available, all selections which were listed will be considered non-winners.
3.2 Season long offerings based on criteria such as the accumulation of wins and player point totals are based on an entire season being played. A shortened season will result in all bets being cancelled unless otherwise stated. If PRO•LINE FUTURES Events are created and sold based on a shortened season, it will be indicated on the wagering list and bets will subsequently stand.
3.3 Bets on season long offerings such as (but not limited to) league champions and player awards will stand regardless of whether the season is shortened, delayed, or involves any other schedule changes, so long as the governing body officially recognizes these accomplishments and awards.
3.4 Should the end date of a season change from what was originally scheduled, but this date does not impact the offering itself, all bets will stand.
3.5 Suspended Events, whether a race, tournament or otherwise (that doesn’t fit the definition of a “season”) must resume play within one (1) week of the date of suspension for bets to stand. If they do not, the Event will be Cancelled, and the Odds for all Selections will revert to 1.00
3.6 Postponed Events, whether a race, tournament or otherwise (that doesn’t fit the definition of a “season”) must have a rescheduled date available by the original start date and must commence within one (1) calendar month of the original start date for the Event (unless otherwise stated on the PRO•LINE FUTURES list). If they do not, the Event will be Cancelled, and the Odds for all Selections will revert to 1.00
3.7 For any PRO•LINE FUTURES Events where a second condition is listed, both conditions must be met for the Selection to be scored as a winner. Selections where one or both conditions are not met will be scored as losing outcomes.
3.8 For a PRO•LINE FUTURES Group involving individuals (as opposed to teams) as Selections, the following criteria must be met (according to the official league website) otherwise the Selection will be treated as incomplete and the Odds reverted to 1.00:
a) For season long Statistical leaders or Awards Winners, the individuals must participate in at least 1 regular season game (as defined under Proline participation Rules for player propositions). If the individual is traded, injured, demoted, cut, retired, or for any other reason can’t fully or partially complete the contest period, all bets still stand.
b) For PRO•LINE FUTURES groups specific to Golf tournament winners, the player must start the first round of the tournament for the selection to be valid, otherwise that outcome will be voided, and the odds will be reverted to be 1.00.
c) For PRO•LINE FUTURES groups specific to Tennis tournament winners, the player must start the first-round match of the tournament (ie. after qualifying rounds are complete) for the selection to be valid, otherwise that outcome will be voided, and the odds will be reverted to be 1.00.
3.9 If the PRO•LINE FUTURES Event offering is a Medal Winner for any form of tournament or competition, no minimum participation criteria rules are in place. All bets stand unless the competition itself does not take place in accordance to these Rules.
3.10 For PRO•LINE FUTURES groups that are Novelty bets, such as (but not limited to) political or entertainment-based offerings:
a) If, for a reason determined by Atlantic Lottery, an outcome has been listed in error, that outcome will be voided, and the odds reverted to be 1.00.
b) For PRO•LINE FUTURES Events, the Event title, Selections and Event descriptions posted for the Event will, in combination, define the criteria used to select the winning outcome.
c) No minimum participation rules are enforced for Novelty Bets. Selections on a PRO•LINE FUTURES Group may be removed from the PRO•LINE FUTURES list once they are eliminated, withdraw from competition, or become ineligible by any other circumstance.
3.11 For PRO•LINE FUTURES groups that are specific to Politics:
a) ALC will determine the Results for each Political offering based upon the criteria established by the Corporation for each such event and the official Results or information from the local Electoral Commission or a similar official body.
b) In the event no official result from an Electoral Commission or similar official body is available, the result will be determined by using information from independent sources, including the Associated Press.
c) Events related to Voter Turnout are based on the Voting Age Population (VAP) as reported by the Associated Press.
d) Allow up-to 48-hours for results to be entered following the completion of the election.
3.12 When a Player selects a Cycling or Horse Racing “Finish Top 2, In Any Order” Event on the PRO•LINE FUTURES list, wagers stand so long as both participants within the Selection chosen have started the race. In Cycling, this could mean having started the first “stage” (if the race is a multi-stage event).
4.1 Persons under the age of 19 shall not participate in this Lottery game.
4.2 At Retail, a Player shall make his Selections in the manner provided in the Instructions and present the completed selection slip, or QR code, to a Retailer and pay to the Retailer the selected Wager amount (from $2 to $100) prior to the Cut-off time of the Event selected.
4.3 After marking the selection slip, or digital Bet Card, the Player shall deliver the selection slip, or QR code, and pay the Wager to a Retailer who shall, in such manner as the Corporation determines, communicate to the Corporation the Player's Selections. Upon receipt of the information, the Corporation shall review the Player Selections, deliver to the Retailer and the Retailer shall deliver to the Player a ticket which shall: (a) constitute a receipt for payment; (b) record the Player's predicted outcomes of the Events selected; (c) provide a unique control number for that ticket; (d) indicate the Wager; (e) record the dates of the Events selected; (f) provide the current associated Odds for each such Event; (g) indicate the potential prize payout; (h) show the PRO•LINE FUTURES List number, and; (i) any other pertinent information as determined by the Corporation and is subject to change.
4.4 A QR code generated for wagering purposes is not a ticket.
4.5 Tickets should be reviewed before leaving the retail location to ensure all the picks were correct. Tickets may only be cancelled within 20 minutes of purchase, at the same retail location, and before the sales Cut-off time of the Event listed on the ticket.
4.6 If playing PRO•LINE FUTURES using an internet account, a Player shall make his Selections in the manner provided in the Instructions and submit the Selection through the internet prior to the sales Cut-off time of the Event selected. Once submitted, online purchases can’t be cancelled for a refund.
4.7 In the event of conflicting, misprinted, or erroneous Event Results, the Results, as determined by the Corporation, shall be final and binding upon all Players.
5.1 The potential prize for a ticket is calculated by multiplying the Odds for the correct Selection by the amount of the Wager.
6.1 All winning tickets must be claimed within one (1) year from the Draw Date of the ticket. Refer to the bottom of your ticket to see the "claim by" date.
6.2 All Winning Retail tickets with a value of $250 or more must be taken to any Bank of Nova Scotia in the Atlantic region or any Atlantic Lottery Corporation office for redemption. All Winning online tickets with a value of $10,000 or more must also be taken to an Atlantic Lottery Corporation office for redemption. Please refer to our website www.alc.ca for details.